Fábio Reis

Class Schedules and Concept

Fábio Reis is a Forró researcher and teacher. He insists that the music should be the center of our dance. He developed his didactic way of teaching, focusing on feeling, interaction, the freedom to express yourself and the dance individually. For Fábio dancing Forró goes far beyond than running steps and spins.

His classes allow anybody with any level of experience to develop their own Forró. He shows us the possibilities inside the music. And it seems the Forró journey will never ends. Being in Fabio’s classes is fun, a self-knowledge moment and a unique experience of forró. His classes in 2024 are starting on 9th January.

DayBlock 1Block 2Location

(! until July 9th)
19:00 – 20:15
Forró Open Level
20:30 – 21:45
Brazilian Ballroom
(Samba de Gafieira, Zouk, Bolero, Samba Rock, Soltinho)
The Veggiezz
Kaiserstr. 21
19:30 – 20:45
Forró Open Level
20:45 – 22:00
Forró Open Level
Sophienstr. 128

!) Tuesday classes will be offered until July 9th. Participants could switch to another schedules.

  • Open Level

    This course doesn’t have specific skill or knowledge prerequisites. It’s designed to accommodate participants with different levels of experience or skill. The benefits include including people from various backgrounds and skill levels, creating a diverse and stimulating environment. This allows each student to progress at their own pace without feeling pressured or limited by a specific set of prior skills. These courses often promote collaboration among participants, encourage learning from each other, and offer the opportunity to explore a topic or skill in depth, regardless of the initial level of knowledge.

    Discover a new, innovative, and enjoyable way to dance in Fábio Reis’s Open Level classes. Picture yourself at a forró party, where each person dances in their unique style. And no, the classes are not always the same! Each session covers different topics like musicality, embrace, connection, interaction, posture, balance, and fundamental steps, adapting to the group’s needs on the day of the class. This dance course not only welcomes students of all levels, creating an inclusive and stimulating environment but also challenges each dancer according to their own learning pace. Try it for yourself and see how Fábio’s method has won over his students over the years.

  • Brazilian Ballroom Dance

    Explore the cultural richness of Brazilian dances in partner dance courses! Don’t limit yourself to a single style; immerse yourself in a variety of dances, including Samba de Gafieira, Forró, Zouk, Samba Rock, Rock Soltinho, and more. This course not only showcases authentic Brazilian dances but also expands your international repertoire with Salsa, Chá-Chá-Chá, Tango, Bachata, and others. It’s not just about being great at one dance but mastering several. Discover the diversity of Brazilian ballroom dances and become a versatile dancer. And for Forró enthusiasts, Prof. Fábio Reis’s tip is clear: learning other dances will make you even more sought after on the dance floor. Come explore the ballroom dances of Brazil!


About Fábio

Fabio Reis – Tänzer, Lehrer, Choreograph, DJ und Veranstalter von Tanzveranstaltungen, hat sich in erster Linie dem Forró verschrieben, eine Tanzart, mit der er seit über 20+ Jahren arbeitet.

Fábio hat seine Ursprünge in São Paulo/Brasilien und ist ein begnadeter Tänzer, Lehrer und Choreograf verschiedener Paartänze. Er gewann unter anderem zweimal die brasilianische Forró-Meisterschaft sowie verschiedenste Preise bei nationalen und internationalen Tanzfestivals.

Er ist künstlerischer Leiter des Festivals Encontro de Forró im brasilianischen Porto Alegre. Er reist mit Forró um die Welt, trat in vielen TV-Shows und Tanzkongressen in ganz Brasilien auf. In 2015 und 2016 erhielt er die Auszeichnung des besten Forró Lehrers in Brasilien (Troféu Baila Mundo). Seine intensive Auseinandersetzung führte dazu, dass er einen multikulturellen, toleranten Forró-Stil entwickelte, weil Forró seiner Meinung nach einer der vielfältigsten Tänze ist, was den Stil angeht, zur selben Musik zu tanzen.

Derzeit lebt Fábio in Karlsruhe, arbeitet mit Forró in Karlsruhe, Dança Bonito (Stuttgart), Forró do Bossa (Leonberg) und unterrichtet Forró auf der ganzen Welt.




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Facebook:Fábio Reis Forró