31 Aug


Social Dancing:

  • Practice Night in Veggiezz (19:00 – 21:30)
    Next schedule: 6.8, 13.9
  • Forró am ZKM (Holzinsel)
    weather dependant, stay tuned for the schedule


  • Forró im Verein:
    Monday, 19:00 Beginners (Veggiezz)
    Monday, 20:30 Intermediate I (Veggiezz)
    Thursday, 19:45 Intermediate II (Pirouette Studio 2)
    Thursday, 21:00 Advanced (Pirouette Studio 2)
  • Forró am KIT (Hochschulsport Karlsruhe)
    Beginners/Improvers, Monday, 16:00 – 17:30 (Halle 3)
    SS2024: continued 2.9. – 11.10.
    WS24/25: registration in October 2024

Upcoming Events:

  • September 29th: Fórro concert (more details are coming soon!)

See ya all in the dance floor!